Foot Pain Is Never Normal
"Podiatry is to Feet, as Dentistry is to Teeth"
Fungal Nail and Skin Laser Treatment
The Foot Doctor's Fungal Nail Treatment Process:
Initial Consultation
We take a full medical and condition specific consultation. Generally Fungal nails are created by one or more of the three most common fungal infections that are encountered in clinic. However, you should realise that bacterial infections and many other medical conditions either directly affect the nail, or are visible within the nail. Some problems can be indicative of significant illness. Which is why it is crucial to get a professional to asses your problem!
We Discuss the Most Successful Treatment Options
Depending upon the nature of your Infection, several possible treatments are available. Fungal nail infections, are just that...INFECTIONS, I have no idea where the notion of leaving this unsightly, contagious and potential damaging condition stems from. Treated early and correctly, you can keep healthy feet and so healthy bodies for years to come. The main treatment options are:
- Topical treatment under professional guidance, combined with regular assessment and debridement. It is often a requirement to use more than one medicament. Correctly qualified podiatrists and some Chiropodists, can supply Prescription strength nail paints and also treat the surrounding skin, quickly and easily.
- The preferred method of treatment, when the above is unlikely to work, will be our Clearanail or Fotona Nd:Yag Clear Steps Fungal Nail Laser Processes. We use a very special microprocessor controlled hand piece and sterile single use drill bits to place tiny holes through your nail PAINLESSLY! We then treat with the correct medicaments, sprayed on by the patient twice daily for two weeks. This is fast, often requires only one or two treatments for Clearanail and is cost effective in terms of time and monies. The Laser is a hot laser used for many surgical and cosmetic processes, at the correct setting and with 2-4 treatments the results can be outstanding!
- For some patients Cold Laser is effective, however it is expensive and may required upto 12 treatments over 6 weeks. As a result I can not condone these laser boxes that you place feet into.
- Nail Removal or systemic antifungal medication remain the last line of treatment. In reality, once the tablets (with potential side effects) have passed through and worked (If they do), a re-occurrence of the infection is normally evident at 12 months. Meaning that we have to start again. Remember that the medication is at best 70% effective.
Important notes for effective fungus nail treatment
The treatment of the Nail, nail bed and surrounding skin is critical to a positive outcome. We also consider footwear, socks, shower and activity based hygiene. The prevention of re-infection is important, patients can also infect others in the family, or any place that communal changing or shoeless contact occurs. A simple holistic approach is required, along with patient compliance. Finally, we often use more than one method of treatment, even so, the speed of clearance is dependent upon the specific organism (Fungus) and also the rate of your nail growth. A fully infected nail will take at best 12 months to grow out fresh. ALTHOUGH a difference is typically obvious within a few weeks. We provide a hand out at treatment to assist and keep you on the correct road to healthy feet. Visit us in Telford. Shropshire, as leading Podiatrists and Chiropodists, we can supply high quality advice and treatment for your fungal infection.